C Mon Amie
2 min readOct 14, 2020


Powerful piece Angela... this brought me to tears. I hope that you submit this article to many other platforms. Perhaps break it up into a series of articles and include the lighter stuff like body image and racism as well. Of course you provide great statistics, but it’s the way you connect the dots for people that make what you say so valuable.

Growing up in the 80s, sexual assault was just a part of becoming a women.

Frat boy culture was idealized and mimicking frat boy behavior started as young as grade school (around age 9 or 10). Boys were practically encouraged to harass and bully young developing girls, not only by proud fathers, but also by their moms and teachers. The onus always fell on the girl... the way she dressed, her smiling at someone, too much make up, too friendly... because, you know... boys will be boys.

Back in those days pedophiles had to make themselves known. My girlfriend and I walked about 1/2 a mile to and from school... at least once a week we were followed by some creep in a car trying to show us his most unimpressive member... and, no, it was never the same guy.

In prison, pedophiles used to be in danger from the other inmates, now the pedos have their own gangs for protection. And thanks to the internet, pedos have been granted anonymity and have been able to groom several children at a time.

IDK how parents aren't stroking out from the stress of trying to keep their children safe, because there aren't enough milk cartons to print the amount of children that go missing.

My first thought when the Trump administration started separating children from parents at the border, and then come to find out, thousands of those children have gone missing, was that these missing children are being sex trafficked. I know it sounds like a wild assumption, but these children are the perfect candidates... who's looking for them? Their locked up parents? Or the caring institution(s) that separated them (or were complicit with the separation) from their parents?

Anyway, this is a very disturbing topic and you did a quality in-depth piece... I hope that you are taking very good care of yourself and taking a break from the darkness by filling your senses with things that bliss you out! You are remarkably talented!

